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Wednesday 20 February 2013

Some doggy poetry

My Little Brown Man
 My little brown man,
desperate to sit curled up on my lap,
you forget your heavy muscled torso
and decide you are indeed a lap dog.
 Jaws open in a half smile,
tongue drooping out at the side,
you laugh for me in excited whimpers.
 You are ignorant of your breed,
naive of the fear unfolding,
there are people who will never understand.
convinced you should be destroyed.
You! who is so full of love
you are bursting with joy.
 you love EVERYONE
licking arms, hands, and faces in an avid
furore of elation.
throwing yourself on top of new people
like they are your best friend forever.
my faithful and friendly little guy.
 You aren't the sharpest dog in the world
but your affection wins out and I love that
you like to be with me wherever I go.
There are many moments spent with you staring
as I sit trousers round ankles on the toilet.
 Without you life would be calmer
but most certainly dull.
I hope, we will go on many more walks.
with you pulling me along
your joyfulness infectious.
With you by my side I am never alone.

Canine Love

The clip click tap tapping of your claws on our wooden floors 
is ever calming,
hearing your patter in the stillness of the night
gives me the resolve to wake up in the morning and
face the cold air with you sniffing the grass.

There isn't a moment that passes
when I'm not besotted with you,
my golden furred gentle creature.
There isn't a person on earth who could take your place
the love I have for you is unending.

You are the child I will never have
and I baby you despite your claws,
if you wanted you could savage me with your canine teeth
but instead you choose to follow me loyally from room to room,
thrusting your paws into my lap so I might know you adore me.

There isn't a day goes by when I am not aware of your mortality
that one day you will depart this earthly world
and I will be left bereft.
There will an aching inside
so powerful it will bring me crashing to my knees.

For now you are my angel on earth
and I will bury my face into your soft fur
holding you tight in the night as I drift in and out of sleep
looking into your canine eyes
and seeing love look back at me,
you are and always will be my most dearest friend.

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